Brookville Laurel Festival's Sidewalk Sales are back! Join us on main street on June 16th from 9-3pm! The many talented vendors and crafters of our community will be out selling their many amazing products! Brookville Laurel Festival's Sidewalk Sales are back! Join us on main street on June 16th from 9-3pm! The many talented vendors and crafters of our community will be out selling their many amazing products! The Jeffersonian Democrat will be partnering with The Calico Cafe for Laurel Festival! We are offering a sale during the week of Laurel Festival, and will be accepting donations in our office for Clarion Paws during that week. Stop by the office on Side Walk Sale Day, Friday June 16, to also enter for a drawing of Altoona Curve tickets. The Calico Cafe staff will be set up with JD staff for you to meet, hear about adoptable cats, and enter the drawing or get signed up for our sale for the week!